Harriet Whitmyer
Theatre Artist
Time in Greater OC: 42+ Years
Neighborhood: Costa Mesa
Hometown: Palo Alto, CA
What are you currently working on?
I am currently waiting to resume rehearsals for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof at Long Beach Playhouse. As well as waiting for the release of a Zoom production of 12 Angry Jurors produced by The Attic Theatre.
What's been inspiring you recently?
Painting watercolors and speaking with friends.
Tell us a story from your childhood that illuminates who you are as an artist.
As a child, I frequently corralled all of the other children in my neighborhood and we would rehearse and put on shows—mostly fairytales—like Rip Van Winkle, Rapunzel, etc.
Who are or were your theatrical heroes?
Anyone who practices their art and enjoys it—those are my heroes!
What kind of theatre excites you?
Almost all kinds—but I really love great music in musicals and I love plays that make me think differently about things.
What's the craziest thing you have ever needed to do for theatre?
That’s what I love about theatre—so many crazy things! There's too many to choose from!
Outside of a theatre, what's your favorite hot spot in Orange County?
Anyplace along the coast!
What surprises you the most about your role in the theatre community?
How long I have been at it—over 50 years!
What advice do you have for theatre artists just starting out in Orange County?
Be persistent, be kind, help fellow artists, have a good sense of humor.