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Wade Williamson


Time in Greater OC: 36+ Years

Neighborhood: Downtown Fullerton

Hometown: Reedley, CA

What are you currently working on?

Serving as Secretary on the Board for Orange County Theater Guild. Currently Resident Artist at Chance Theater in Anaheim.

What's been inspiring you recently?

I was inspired during the pandemic by creative colleagues and friends who found so many ways to keep their art alive and online while everything was shut down.

Tell us a story from your childhood that illuminates who you are as an artist.

Ah, well, my first foray on stage was playing Rabbit in a production of WINNIE THE POOH when I was 6! As I moved into high school, I actively participated in shows, both on stage and behind the scenes. I was inspired to pursue my Bachelor's Degree in Theater - Management and Directing at Cal State Fullerton.

What kind of theatre excites you?

I am a sucker for the wacky, absurd comedies of Christopher Durang, et al. Can't wait for the next opportunity to bring those plays to the stage!

What's the craziest thing you have ever needed to do for theatre?

Ummm, thinking I could make a living doing this!

Who are or were your theatrical heroes?

Instructors in college fanned the flame of passion for working in theater professionally. People like Harold Clurman, Elia Kazan, and Joe Papp were very inspirational in my development.

Outside of a theatre, what's your favorite hot spot in Orange County?

Well, being a resident of Fullerton, I know the whole town can be a "hot spot" at times. Especially on June 21st when our town hosts the Day of Music! I have been actively involved in this city-wide event for the past several years and I encourage everyone reading this to take the day off June 21st and come experience the fun!

What surprises you the most about your role in the theatre community?

Well, that I am still doing it! I actually have worked in many different positions it theater: actor, director, desinger, manager, producer and even artistic director... and hope to continue to do so for a long time to come!

What advice do you have for theatre artists just starting out in Orange County?

Audition for EVERYTHING you see, even if you think your not "right" for a part or have schedule conflicts. Keep putting your self out there as often as you can. It is the best practice to hone your craft. Be sure to attend the general auditions hosted by the Orange County Theatre Guild twice a year, You can audition one time and be seen by ALL of the Theater Organizations in the Guild at once. So many opportunities!!!

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