Welcome to the OCTG Job Forum! Members of the guild may use this forum to post job opportunities for theatre and live entertainment positions. This can include, but is not limited to jobs for administrators, actors, directors, designers, managers, and technicians.
Jobs Must Pay
Whether it's a short term gig, a part-time or full-time job, this forum is for paid opportunities.
Jobs Must Be Located in the Greater Orange County Area
This can include Orange County and its bordering counties: San Bernadino, Los Angeles, Riverside and San Diego. An exception can be made for work that is done entirely remote.
Posts Must Include
Job Title
Company Name
A Basic Job Description and Requirements
Contact Information
A Link to your Job Posting Page
Interest in a Job Posting
If you're interested in applying for a job listed in this forum, or have a question about the opportunity, please contact the employer via their provided contact information.
General Code of Conduct
Any user whose behavior is deemed willfully inappropriate, discriminatory or hurtful will have their post remove and be banned from future use. Any post not related to the purpose of this forum will also be removed.
Please let us know if you have any questions. Email council@octheatreguild.org