The Enchanted World of a Timeless Tale of Love and Magic
By: MaryAnn DiPietro
As the curtain rises on JStage’s production of “Beauty and the Beast,” audiences will be transported into a magical world where the familiar fairytale of love, transformation, and redemption unfolds. Under the direction of Carina Morales, JStage’s Artistic Director, the production promises to bring an extra layer of emotional depth, making it much more than just another retelling of the classic Disney story.
Morales, whose background includes extensive experience as a stage actor in New York City, on national tours, and in international shows, is no stranger to the world of musical theatre. After graduating from UC Irvine with a B.A. in Drama and Honors in Musical Theatre, she spent years performing across the globe, including as her favorite Disney princess in a musical at Hong Kong Disneyland. Now, she has transferred her wealth of experience to the stage as a director.
When asked about her vision for “Beauty and the Beast,” Morales emphasizes the importance of honesty and authenticity in her direction. "I tell my actors that in a larger-than-life show like this, they can go as big as they want, as long as they genuinely believe it,” she explains. “Truthful and connected acting always makes the comedic moments funnier, and is the key to making the touching moments land.”
For Morales, this production of “Beauty and the Beast” is not just about creating a great show—it’s about exploring deeper human themes. “I want this production to be filled with magic, comedy, and fantasy,” she says, “but my hope is that we will also create a heartwarming and thought-provoking piece of theatre that delves into themes of identity, redemption, sacrifice, and the notion of beauty itself.”

One lyric that resonates deeply with Morales is “Bittersweet and strange, finding you can change, learning you were wrong.” For Morales, this lyric captures the essence of the show’s message, as both Belle and the Beast undergo profound growth. “It speaks to the Beast’s transformation as he learns to care for others, and also to Belle’s journey as she learns not to judge others prematurely,” she says. “I also love how this lyric very artfully touches on a universal human experience. What better way to describe the process of humble growth than 'bittersweet and strange?'"
JStage’s “Beauty and the Beast” will be the company’s most ambitious production to date. “This production features extravagant costumes, makeup, and wigs, elaborate scenery, exciting special effects, and a very large cast," Morales notes. "Luckily, my team and I enjoy an exciting challenge!”
Morales is quick to praise her dedicated creative team, including Haven Hanson, JStage’s resident Production Designer, who has taken on multiple roles for this production. “Haven holds the titles of Costume Designer, Scenic Designer, and Makeup Designer. He is also playing the role of Lumiere,” Morales says with glee. “This production will feature several stunning costumes designed and created by him, including Belle's magnificent ball gown."
She’s equally enthusiastic about the performances from her talented cast, which includes both adults and children. “Everyone in our fabulous company has thrown themselves wholeheartedly into creating this beautiful show,” she says. “I can’t wait for audiences to experience the magic these artists have created.”

While the production is visually familiar to the original animated film, Morales emphasizes that her actors are encouraged to bring their own unique interpretations to their roles. “Our actors and creative team are working from a place of dramatic honesty to tell the story that they interpret on the page, rather than emulating what they have heard or seen in other productions,” she says. “At JStage, we strive to put the authenticity of the moment and the intention of the storytelling at the forefront of all our directorial and design decisions. We dedicate a lot of rehearsal time to workshopping table work, scene work, and staging with the cast to discover what feels the most authentic to all of us.” This approach, she believes, will set JStage’s “Beauty and the Beast” apart from other productions.
Morales is most looking forward to seeing her cast and crew receive the applause they deserve. "We can't wait to share this joyful production with the community!" She also hopes that audiences will leave the theater feeling hopeful and inspired. "I would love for the audience to walk away feeling hopeful and happy, having lost themselves for two hours in the magic of a beloved fairy tale," she says. "And perhaps they'll be inspired to look a bit more closely at the world around them to discover beauty that may be hidden just beneath the surface."
“The JStage production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast”
Isadore C. & Penny W. Myers Theatre
Merage Jewish Community Center of Orange County
1 Federation Way, Irvine, CA
October 26 - November 3, 2024
(949) 435-3400, www.jccoc.org/pages/j-stage
